
Rico C. Ancog, Ph.D.

Dean, Professor 1, UP Scientist I

Antonio P. Contreras, Ph.D.

Professor 1

Badi Samaniego, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor 4

Charles John C. Gunay, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor 3

Danesto B. Anacio, Ph.D.

Associate Professor 4

Decibel V. Faustino-Eslava, Ph.D.

Professor 9, UP Scientist III

Eduardo C. Calzeta, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor 4

Eduardo F. Roquiño

Assistant Professor 1

Enrique P. Pacardo, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Hildie Maria E. Nacorda, Ph.D.

Associate Professor 4

Janice B. Sevilla-Nastor, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor 6

Jessica D. Villanueva-Peyraube, Ph.D.

Associate Professor 4

Juan Miguel R. Guotana, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor 3

Loucel E. Cui, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor 4

Maria Victoria O. Espaldon, Ph.D.

Professor 12, UP Scientist I

Mark Dondi M. Arboleda, Ph.D.

Associate Professor 4

Patricia Ann J. Sanchez, Ph.D.

Professor 5, Scientist 1


Rico Ancog is a professor and UP Scientist I at the School of Environmental Science and Management (SESAM) of the University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB).

He serves as the Head of the Ecosystem Services and Environmental Policy (ESEP) Research Laboratory of SESAM, while also working as the Managing Editor of the Journal of Environmental Science and Management (JESAM), a Web of Science-indexed journal based in UPLB. He likewise sits as the Board Secretary of the Philippine Network of Educators on Environment (PNEE) and as District Chair of the Environment Protection Committee of Rotary District 3820.

With specialization in environmental science and environmental economics, his research projects are focused on systematic understanding of socio-ecological systems for efficient resource conservation and resilience. He has served as a consultant of National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) and the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in the initial development of the Philippine Mangrove Systems Account under the program, Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES). Currently, he also contributed in the development of a Supplemental Manual on the integration of DRRM/CCA in the project evaluation system of NEDA Board’s Investment Coordination Committee (ICC), as well as in the analysis of the efficiency, financing gap, and potential funding sources of the Coastal Resources Management (CRM) programs of selected 24 local government units (LGUs) around the country.

He finished his PhD in 2011 in UPLB complemented with a sandwich program in Nagoya University. He was awarded the Dr. Elvira O. Tan Award for Best Published Paper (2017) and the Asian Young Professional on Water Research (2009). He was recently awarded as one of the Outstanding Young Scientists of 2019.

Email: [email protected]

Academic History

No result

Research Interest

Systematic understanding of socio-ecological systems for efficient resource conservation and resilience


Ancog, R., C. Ruzol and MV Ticsay. 2018. Status of climate change adaptation in agriculture sector in Asiain Status of climate change adaptation in Asia and the Pacific. Lee J., M. Alam and P. Sawhney (editors). Springer

Ruzol, C., Cabanilla, C.D., Ancog, R., Peralta, E. 2017. Understanding water pollution management: Evidence and insights from incorporating cultural theory in social network analysis. Global Environmental Change. 45 183-193

Ancog, R, CM Rebancos, ZM Sumalde. 2016. Levels and determinants of vulnerability of two indigenous communities in the Philippines: Implications from using mixed-methods approach. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management Vol 8 (2)

Ancog, R., LM Florece, OB Nicopior. 2016. Fire Occurrence and Fire Mitigation Strategies in a Grassland Reforestation Area in the Philippines. Forest Policy and Economics 64, 35-45

Anacio, DB, NF Hilvano, IC Burias, C. Pine, GLM Nelson and RC Ancog. 2016. Dwelling structures in a flood-prone area in the Philippines: Sense of place and its functions for mitigating flood experiences. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 15, 108-115

Calicdan, M.A., CM Rebancos, R Ancog, N. Baguinon. 2015. Assessment of mangrove flora of Palaui Island landscape and seascape (PIPLS), San Vicente, Sta. Ana, Cagayan Valley, Philippines. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology 4(1)

Ancog, R and C. Ruzol. 2015. Urbanization adjacent to a wetland of international importance: The case of Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary, Metro Cebu, Philippines. Habitat International 49: 325-332

Oquinena, MK and R. Ancog. 2014. Copper, Lead and Zinc Accumulation in Catfish (Clarias macrocephalus Gunther) from Butuanon River, Metro Cebu, Philippines. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology Vol 8-11

Anh, HA, CM Rebancos, RC Ancog, DV Faustino-Eslava. 2014. Vulnerability Assessment of Rice Farming Provinces to Climate Change in Mekong River Delta in Vietnam. Vol. 11

Ancog, R, and M.E.Flavier. 2014. Comparative Water Quality Analysis of Major River Tributaries of a Large
Marine Ecosystem: The case of Verde Island Passage Marine CorridorAsia Life SciencesVol 23 (1)


Dr. Antonio P. Contreras is a political scientist who specializes in political theory and analysis.  His career spans a broad spectrum not only in terms of discipline but also in terms of his epistemological and methodological groundings.

His academic career has been a diverse array of areas that span the entire spectrum of the disciplines, from the very mathematical to the very post-modern.  His master’s thesis in UPLB was on mathematical modelling of forest land-use allocation problems involving multiple stakeholders with competing goals.  He taught hard-core quantitative courses at the CFNR.  And then he went to his graduate studies at the University of Hawaii, took his second master’s and doctorate degrees in political science. Initially, he wanted to focus on public policy, but the dominant post-structuralist, post-modern, post-colonial and feminist orientation of his department has influenced him to refocus his academic path toward critical political theory and analysis. His doctoral dissertation was still focused on forestry, but it was an application of Michel Foucault’s genealogical analysis in inquiring into the evolution of the forestry policy discourse in the country.

Upon his return to UPLB and when he moved to DLSU0, he began to expand his horizon to now include an analysis of politics in the context of everyday and ordinary lives of people, as he focused on popular culture, media and political communication, even as he continued conducting research and engaged in professional activities about the environment.  His academic career, thus, spanned the spectrum from modelling forest land-use allocation problems to culture studies where he analyzed popular cultural texts such as soap operas and social media.  He can be as mathematical as he can be post-modern and post-structural.  He can analyze a problem using any of the optimization techniques in operations research and management, or the methods of discourse analysis.

In SESAM, he will focus his teaching, research and social engagement/extension on environmental security and diplomacy.

Dr. Contreras is both an academic and a vlogger.  He publishes in academic journals as a scholar, even as he has his daily posts in Facebook and his thrice a week political vlog #UsapangPulitika where he endeavors to popularize political science topics.  He also writes a column “On the Contrary” that appears thrice weekly in The Manila Times.


Email: [email protected]

Academic History


Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Hawaii – Manoa (1991)

M.A. in Political Science, University of Hawaii – Manoa (1989)

M.S. in Forestry, University of the Philippines Los Banos (1985)

B.S. in Forestry, University of the Philippines Los Banos, Magna cum laude (1982)


Fellowships and Scholarships

  • Visiting Scholar, Mahidol University, July 2016
  • Fulbright Senior Scholar Fellowship, University of Hawaii, January – June 2009
  • Fellow, Institutional Dimensions for Global Environmental Change (IDGEC), Dartmouth College, USA, 2004-2006
  • Fellow, Salzburg Seminar, “Changing Concepts of Security in East Asia,” 3-10 December 2003
  • Research Exchange Fellow, Southeast Asia Conflict Studies Network (SEA-CSN), May-July 2003
  • ASIA Fellow, Regional Center for Social Sciences and Sustainable Development, Chiang-Mai University, Chiang-Mai, Thailand, November 2000 - April 2001
  • Visiting Fellow, East-West Center, July-September 2000
  • Graduate Fellowship, 1990-91, University of Hawaii
  • East-West Center Conference Scholarship, 1989

Research Interest

Research Leadership

  • Study Leader, APN Project on Urban and Carbon Management in Asia, 2005
  • Study Leader, FAO-RECOFTC Project on Regional Analysis of Devolution Policies and Processes in Southeast Asia, October 2003 to March 2004
  • Study Leader, APN Project on Sustainable livelihoods and biodiversity in the uplands of Southeast Asia: a multi-cultural assessment of resilience, risks and opportunities, March 2002 to February 2003
  • Study Leader, Book Editor, CIFOR Book Project on Creating Space for Local Forest Management, 2003
  • Study Leader, APN Project on Institutional Response to Global Change: The Consequences of Interplay Between International Regimes and Local Institutions for the Forests of the Philippines, June 2001 – May 2002
  • Visiting Research Fellow, Comparative Analysis of Forest Governance and Political Transformation in Thailand and the Philippines, Regional Center for Social Sciences and Sustainable Development, Chiang-Mai University, November 2000 – May 2001
  • Philippine Country Project Coordinator, Local Forest Management and Devolution, UPLBGPRD-UPLBFI-CIFOR, October 1998 to May 2000
  • Research Fellow, Institute for Strategic and Development Studies, in connection with a project on Regional issues in the Environment, Population and Health, March –December 1999 under the Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation
  • Project Leader, Gender Dimension of Forest Policies and Production Systems in the Philippines in the Context of Globalization, APDC-UPLB-GPRD Project, 1997-98


Consultancy Services Rendered

  • Special Assistant to the Secretary, DENR, October 2017 – October 2018: Member of the team that reviewed the appeals of the mining companies that were recommended by former Secretary Gina Lopez for cancellation or suspension.
  • LTP External Evaluator, PAFID, February – March 2016: Evaluated the “National Land Tenure Program for Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines (Project Number: 410-900-1305ZG)” implemented by the Philippine Association for Intercultural Development (PAFID) and supported by MISEREOR. Assessed the overall relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, feasibility, consistency, and involvement of the project. In particular, the evaluation gauged the extent to which the project has achieved its objectives – focusing on the project purpose (specific objective) and intended outcomes (results); reviewed the consistency of the project design and its relevance especially with respect to the needs and priorities of the indigenous communities targeted by the interventions; assessed the appropriateness of the strategies and methodologies employed in the implementation of the intervention; and appraised the degree and quality of stakeholders’ participation in the project, and ascertain the prospects of sustainability of the benefits of the intervention.  The evaluation also generated recommendations to make the project design and implementation more effective, efficient, and relevant to future projects of similar nature.
  • National Expert, Governance of Land Tenure, DENR-FMB-GIZ, June – October 2015: Reviewed and assessed management arrangements and tenurial instruments for forestlands. Specifically: Took stock and reviewed management arrangements and tenurial instruments in the governance of forestlands, including policies, instruments, procedures and guidelines issued by, among others, the DENR, NCIP and DILG, such as, but not limited to, those under nationally designated land use (e.g. Protected Areas under the National Integrated Protected Areas System [e.g. PACBRMA], Ancestral Domains under the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act [e.g. CALC, CADT]), tenurial instruments (e.g. Community-Based Forest Management Agreement, Industrial Forest Management Agreement, Socialized Industrial Forest Management Agreements, Forest Land Use Agreement, Forest Land Use Agreement for Tourism, Forest Land Grazing Agreement, CLOAS) and innovative co- management agreements in accordance with the Local Government Code and existing DENR rules and regulations; Assessed the various management arrangements and tenurial instruments with regard to their ability to effectively govern forestlands and create favorable frame conditions for land use planning and the sustainable management of natural resources, i.e.  regarding their administrative framework, particularly the legal feasibility, suitability and effectiveness and time frame for issuance; as well as regarding their economic implications, specifically the provision of incentives, investment potential; Revisited ongoing and past policies, guidelines and approaches to spatial/ land use planning, such as, but not limited to, the development of forest land use plans (FLUPs), comprehensive land use plans (CLUPs) and ancestral domain sustainable development and production plans (ADSDPPs) as well as on land use conflicts; Document and describe actual cases (case studies) on forestlands focusing on areas with overlapping tenure, based on ongoing or past land use planning exercises and located in at least three selected case study areas in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, in a step-by-step, easy understandable way in form of practical guidelines for land use planners (which usually includes LGU staff and community members). This documentation was undertaken in view of the principles enshrined in the Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure (VGGT) and build upon processes and results achieved through the implementation of the VGGT in the Philippines.; and produced clear recommendations (policy, operations, procedures, guidelines, and management options) for improving governance of tenure in forestlands, drafted a policy document in the form of an Executive Order and Administrative Order
  • Institutional Development Specialist, Forestland Management Project, DENR-FMB, September 2014 – March 2015, assisted the project implementors in the establishment of appropriate structure and mechanism to actively involve various watershed stakeholders in the implementation of the FMP particularly within three (3) critical watersheds
  • Institutional Development Specialist, DENR-FMB, February 2015. Examined, analyzed, and proposed changes in the FMB Organizational Structure in line with the DENR Rationalization Plan
  • Policy and Institutional Specialist, DENR-FMB Project on Climate Proofing the Forestry Master Plan, June 2013: reviewed existing and other related documents, policies and relevant issuances necessary in the conduct of review, update and climate proofing of the Master Plan for Forestry Development, specifically on its policy and institutional component; conducted field work and consultation meetings/workshops with different stakeholders, LGUs and communities to gather relevant data and processes as inputs in the updating and climate proofing of the Philippine Revised Master Plan for Forestry Development; recommended measures and strategies to mainstream climate change adaptation and mitigation into the policy and institutional component of the Master Plan; assisted in drafting the consolidated climate resilient Master Plan for Forestry Development; and presented and discussed the draft updated and climate resilient Forestry Master Plan with the FMB and DENR ExeCom and other stakeholders, particularly the section dealing with policy and institutional reforms
  • Social Scientist, IRRI and PHILRICE Project on Philippine Rice Self-Sufficiency Project, Phase 2, December 2011 – June 2012: provided technical assistance in developing the workgroups in the multi-stakeholder partnerships in Agusan del Norte; provided technical assistance in the development and implementation of the project activities; reviews and evaluated the general work plan for the multi-stakeholder partnership; and reviewed and evaluated the specific activities of working groups in the multi-stakeholder partnerships
  • Social Scientist, IRRI and PHILRICE Project on Philippine Rice Self-Sufficiency Project, Phase 1, May – August 2011: provided technical advice on the setting up of the partnerships in Agusan del Norte; help draft the TORs and MOAs for the key partners; provided technical assistance in the preparation of the instrument, design, training of enumerators for and conduct of key Stakeholder’s analysis
  • Social Scientist, IRRI Project on Impact Pathways of Rodent Management in Rice Production in Vietnam, September-December 2010: conducted fieldwork in Vietnam, including doing focus group discussions and key informant interviews of farmers, scientists, extension workers, project proponents and other significant stakeholders; gathered secondary data related to the study, particularly on socio-political and policy concerns and review of related literature; described historically the political system of Vietnam and agricultural extension governance and analyzed their relationship; analyzed the interplay and sectoral institutions (including considerations of incentives, of formal and informal institutions, and of actors and information flows) in the structure and operation of agricultural extension governance; and analyze their impacts; provided FGD and KI guide questions related to legal and political factors and policy matters; and provided recommendations for potential partners for future collaborations
  • Country Paper Writer, IDRC Bridging Project on Socio-Economic Impacts and Social Inclusion in Food Biotechnology Among Five Southeast Asian Countries, July- August 2008.
  • Lead Consultant, Cultural Analysis of MERALCO Employees, January – April 2009
  • Policy Paper Writer, Agricultural Consultative Forum, EPRA, May – July 2006
  • Case Study Writer, Urban Emissions and Policy Project, Southeast Asia Unit for Social and Environmental Research, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, 2005: Conducted case studies in Manila and Jakarta
  • Synthesis Paper Writer, Baseline Study of Water Governance in the Mekong Region, Southeast Asia Unit for Social and Environmental Research, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, October 2004: Wrote the synthesis for the case studies conducted in Laos, Cambodia, China, Thailand, and Vietnam
  • Synthesis Paper Writer, Urban Transformation and Urbanization Project, Southeast Asia Unit for Social and Environmental Research, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, March 2004 to February 2005: Wrote the synthesis of the different case studies conducted in Manila, Delhi, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, and Chiangmai
  • Paper Writer, Comparative Analysis of Devolution Processes in Southeast Asia, FAO and RECOFTC, October 2003 to March 2004: Wrote the paper on the Evolution of Forest Devolution Policies in Southeast Asia
  • Case Study Leader, Adaptive Management and Governance of Water Resources, Southeast Asia Unit for Social and Environmental Research, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, August 2003 to February 2004: Conducted evaluation research of the Laguna Lake Development Authority in terms of its adaptive capacity to manage the coastal and water resources of the Lake
  • Consultant, PIDS-SANREM-UPLB Research Advocacy Project on Water Resources Management, 1 July 2002 – 31 May 2004: Acted as lead consultant in formulating recommendations relevant to policy and legislation
  • Workshop Facilitator, Regional Consultation Workshop for the Forestry Master Plan, TREES Inc., August 2003: Facilitated the conduct of regional consultation workshop on the Forestry Master Plan held in Butuan and Davao Cities
  • Writer, Towards Building Transformative Communities, Center for Asia Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP), July 2003: Wrote the lead and synthesis papers for the Building Transformative Communities project of CAPWIP
  • Consultant, Adaptive-Collaborative Management Project, July - December 2000, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR): Acted as technical adviser in the implementation of the project in the Philippines.
  • Gender Specialist, October 1999 to October 2000, International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR): Assisted IIRR in mainstreaming gender in their policies, programs, and activities.
  • Consultant, Devolution and Local Forest Management, June 1998 to September 2000, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR): Coordinated the Implementation of the Devolution and Local Forest Management Project in the Philippines.
  • Environmental Policy Consultant, National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women, Program on Policy Development and Advocacy for Women’s Health, March 1997 to July 1998: Formulated policy papers on various issues on the environment affecting women’s health and welfare; assisted NCRFW personnel in preparing advocacy plans.
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Capitalism, Nature and Socialism: A Journal of Socialist Ecology: Reviewed articles for publication as well as published books and other materials.
  • Policy Expert, SUSTEC, 1997: Acted as consultant for policy and politics in relation to the issue of integrating biodiversity conservation in production forests
  • Paper Writer, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Project on “Social and Political Dimensions of Environmental Programmes and Projects”, May - June 1996
  • Public Participation and Consultation Specialist, Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, December 1995 to March 1996: Advised the Ecology Center of SBMA on issues relating to public participation and consultation.
  • Writer, Philippine Perspective Plan for Gender and Development, 1995: Provided Technical Advice and Wrote, as part of a team, the Framework for the Philippine Plan for Gender and Development (PPGD)
  • Gender and Development Consultant, 1995 to 1998, PCARRD: Provided advice and technical assistance on Gender and Development issues in Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Natural Resources Concerns.



  • Contreras, Antonio P. The Kingdom and the Republic: Forest Governance and Political Transformation in Thailand and the Philippines.  Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2003.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. (Editor) Creating Space for Local Forest Management in the Philippines.  Manila:  La Salle Institute of Governance, 2003.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. Locating the Political in the Ecological: Globalization, State-Civil Society Articulations and Environmental Governance in the Philippines.  Manila: De la Salle University Press, 2002.


  • Contreras, Antonio P., Dennis Erasga and Roberto Javier, Jr. Science, Technology and Society : A Critical Approach, Manila : Mindshapers Co., 2018


Chapter in a Book

  • Contreras, Antonio P., “The Seas of our Insecurity : Ordinary versus State Discourses on Maritime and Human Security in the Philippines,”in Maritime Security in East and Southeast Asia, Singapore : Palgrave, 2017, 107-124
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Transboundary Environmental Politics in Southeast Asia: issues, responses and challenges, in Philip Hirsch (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of the Environment in Southeast Asia, London and New York: Taylor and Francis, 2017.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Synthesis: Discourse, Power and Knowledge” in Louis Lebel, John Dore, Rajesh Daniel, and Yang Saing Koma (Eds.), Democratizing Water Governance in the Mekong Region. Chiang Mai: Mekong Press, 2007: 227-236.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “The Transformation of Politics and the Politics of Transformation” in Peter Cuasay and Chayan Vaddhanaphuti (Eds.), Commonplaces and Comparisons: Remaking Eco-Political Spaces in Southeast Asia. Chiang Mai : Regional Center for Social Science and Sustainable Development, 2005 : 23-39.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Epilogue: Where do we go from here in terms of water policy agenda?” in Agnes C. Rola, Herminia A. Francisco and Jennifer P.T. Liguton (Eds.), Winning the Water War: Watersheds, Water Policies and Water Institutions. Makati: PIDS and PCARRD, 2004
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Creating Space for Local Forest Management: The Case of the Philippines,” in David Edmunds and Eva Wollenberg (Eds.), Local Forest Management: The Impacts of Devolution Practices. London: Earthscan, 2003.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Imagining a Filipino Political Ecology: A Critical Analysis of the Prospects for Political Science in Environmental Studies,” in Ledivina Carino (Ed.), The Philippine Social Sciences in the Life of the Nation.  2 Enriching Each Other: The Encounter of the Social Sciences and Other Branches of Knowledge. Quezon City: Philippine Social Science Council, 2001.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Changing Theories and Practices: A Synthesis of the Role of Social Science in the Environment” in Ledivina Carino (Ed.), The Philippine Social Sciences in the Life of the Nation.  2 Enriching Each Other: The Encounter of the Social Sciences and Other Branches of Knowledge. Quezon City: Philippine Social Science Council, 2001.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Rethinking Participation and Empowerment in the Uplands," in Peter Utting (ed.), Forest Policy and Politics in the Philippines: The Dynamics of Participatory Conservation. Quezon City : Ateneo de Manila University Press and UNRISD, 2000.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “From Corporate Logging to Community Resource Management: The Case of Candez, Bacungan, Puerto Princesa,” A Sourcebook of Gender in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, PCARRD Book Series No. 162/1997.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Women in a Forest Based Industry: The Case of Bamboo and Rattan Production and Processing,” A Sourcebook of Gender in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, PCARRD Book Series No. 162/1997.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “A Tale of Two Barangays: The case of Contract Reforestation,” A Sourcebook of Gender in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, PCARRD Book Series No. 162/1997.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Women in the Forestry Bureaucracy,” A Sourcebook of Gender in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, PCARRD Book Series No. 162/1997.


Refereed Journal

  • Palis, Florencia G., Zenaida M. Sumalde, Cleofe S. Torres, Antonio P. Contreras, and Francisco A. Datar, “Adoption and impacts of Ecologically-Based Rodent Management in the Mekong Delta Region,” Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 18, No. 1, 2015
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Socio-Economic Impacts, Social Inclusion, and Science-Policy Interphase: The Case of Rice Biotechnology in the Philippines,” Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2012
  • Datoon, R., Palis, F., Contreras, A. and Tanzo, I., “Multi-Stakeholder Approach for Rice Technology Extension: The Case of Agusan Del Norte,” Philippine Journal of Crop Science, 2012
  • Bai, Xuemei, Anna J. Wieczorek, Shinji Kaneko, Shaun Lisson and Antonio Contreras. “Enabling Sustainability Transitions in Asia: The Importance of Vertical and Horizontal Linkages,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 76: 255-266, 2009.
  • Lebel, Louis, Regina N. Banaticla, Antonio P. Contreras, Po Garden, Rodel Lasco, A.P. Mitra, Nguyen Hoang Tri, Ooi Giok Ling, Agus Sari and Chhemendra Sharma. “Integrating Carbon Management into the Development Strategies of Urbanizing Regions in Asia: Implications or Urban Form, Function and Role,” Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol 11, No. 2: 61-81, 2007.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Local Institutions at the Crossroads of Environmental Regionalism in Southeast Asia: State-Civil Society Interplays and Tensions,” Philippine Political Science Journal, 28, No. 51: 33-54, 2007
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Civil Society, Environmental Security and Knowledge: Forest Governance in Thailand and the Philippines in the Context of ASEAN,” International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 4: 179-193, 2004.
  • Lebel, Louis, Antonio Contreras, Suparb Pasong and Po Garden. “Nobody Knows Best: Alternative Perspectives on Forest Management and Governance in Southeast Asia,” International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 4: 111-127, 2004.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. "Globalization, the State and Civil Society, and the Politics of Identity in the Context of Environmental Governance," Kasarinlan: A Philippine Journal of Third World Studies, Vol 14, Nos. 3 and 4, 1999.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. "Endangered Knowledge of Endangered Peoples: Indigenous Knowledge Systems and the Threat of State Building," Journal of Environmental Science and Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1999
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Imagining a Filipino Political Ecology: A Critical Analysis of the Prospects for Political Science in Environmental Studies in the Philippines,” Journal of Environmental Science and Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1998.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “Paggugubat o Pangungulimbat? Ang Agham Paggugubat sa Kritikal na Pagsusuring Pang-Uri, Pangkasarian at Kultural,” Diliman Review, Vol 46, No. 2, 1998.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “The Two Faces of Environmentalism: The Case of the Philippines,” Capitalism, Nature and Socialism: A Journal of Socialist Ecology, Vol. 5 (3), September 1994.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “The Discourse and Politics of Resistance in the Philippine Uplands,” Kasarinlan, Vol. 7, No. 4, 1992.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “The Philippine Uplands, the State, and the World System: Genealogy and Critique of the Upland Development Discourse,” Philippine Journal for Public Administration, Vol. 35, No. 1, 1991.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “The Political Economy of State Environmentalism: The Hidden Agenda and its Implications on Transnational Development in the Philippines,” Capitalism, Nature and Socialism, A Journal of Socialist Ecology, Vol. 2, No. 6, February 1991.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “The Discourse of Development: Some Implications of Local Power/Knowledge in the Philippine Uplands,” Philippine Sociological Review, Vol. 37, No. 1-2, January-June 1988.


Book and Article Review

  • Contreras, Antonio P. Critical Review of “People, Power and Resources in Everyday Life: Critical Essays on the Politics of Environment in the Philipines” by Babette P. Resurreccion and Edsel E. Sajor (Manila: Institute for Popular Democracy, 1998), in Conjuncture, Vol. 10, No. 5, December-January 1999.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. Critique Article in a Published Symposium, “Jeffrey Sachs on Nature and Economic Development” Article,” in Capitalism, Nature and Socialism: A Journal of Socialist Ecology, vol. 9 (2), June 1998.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. Review Article of Robin Broad and John Cavanagh’s “Plundering Paradise: The Struggle for the Environment in the Philippines,” in Capitalism, Nature and Socialism: A Journal of Socialist Ecology, vol. 5 (1), March 1994.


Module for Distance Learning

  • Contreras, Antonio P. Science, Technology and Society.  College, Laguna: UP Open University, 2002
  • Contreras, Antonio P. Governance of Upland Environments.  College, Laguna: UP Open University, 2001


Monograph/Working Papers

  • Contreras, Antonio P. State-Civil Society Interactions in Forest Governance in Southeast Asia: Implications for Environmental Security.  Environmental Series, No. 50.  Honolulu: East-West Center, 2000.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. GATT-WTO and the Philippine Environment: Policy Safeguards to Ensure an Environment-Friendly Competitiveness in World Trade, (As Junior Author) ERMP Reports No. 31, UPLB: Environment and Resource Management Project, 1996.
  • Contreras, Antonio P. Discourse, Politics and Structures of Upland Development in the Philippines.  College, Laguna: Forestry Development Center, 1990.


Published Proceedings

  • Contreras, Antonio P. "Globalization, Global Climate Change and the Financial Crisis: Some Implications for Environmental and Forest Governance,” Proc. International Conference on Tropical Forests and Climate Change: Status, Issues and Challenges, 19-22 October 1998, Asian Institute of Management, December 1999
  • Contreras, Antonio P. “The Women Farmers of Sta. Catalina, Atimonan,” Proc. ASEAN Seminar on Social Forestry as an Approach to Sustainable Forest Management, Tagaytay, Philippines, 4-6 December 1995; also, in A Sourcebook of Gender in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, PCARRD Book Series No. 162/1997.
  • Contreras, Antonio P.  “Women in Philippine Forestry: Some Issues and Concerns,” in Proc. ASEAN Seminar on Social Forestry as an Approach to Sustainable Forest Management, Tagaytay, Philippines, 4-6 December 1995.


Badi has many years of experience in research and coastal resources management, and has collaborated with government institutions, NGOs, academe, local government units and fisher-folks at various levels and capacities since 1995. He specializes in coral reef fish ecology and has been part of numerous projects on marine protected areas assessment and evaluation. He was a research fellow with the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation and lead the reef fish survey team during the Global Reef Expedition through over 9 territories from the Eastern Pacific (Galapaos) through to the Indian Ocean (British Indian Ocean Territory) from 2012 to 2015. His post-graduate project focused on marine protected areas and looked into trajectories of change in the fish and benthic communities using space for time substitution.

Email: [email protected]

Academic History

No result

Research Interest

No result


No result


During his post-graduate studies, Charles explored the integrated roles of conservation practices on the geophysical condition of the forest that overall impacts the hydrological processes and erosion susceptibility of the catchment. His research engagements in the past seven years focused on 1) GIS and remote sensing applications in agriculture and environment, 2) flood and sediment modeling, 3) erosion and sedimentation processes in catchments and dams, and 4) ecological conservation.
Aside from being a core faculty member at SESAM, Charles is also appointed as staff and consultant for projects namely “State of River Basin (SORB) Reports of Imus-Ylang Ylang-Rio Grande and Pasac-Guagua Watersheds”, funded by the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA), “Kinubkoban Cave Integrated Geophysical, Hydrogeological, and Water Quality Baselines”, funded by the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP), and “Climate Resilience Study for the San Roque Multipurpose Project”, funded by the UPLB Foundation, Inc. (UPLBFI). He served as a researcher from April 2021 to July 2023 for the collaborative research on the effect of the management of water resource forests on sedimentation in one of the largest drinking water supply reservoirs in Japan, funded by the Bureau of Waterworks of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Prior to his graduate studies in Japan, he worked as a University Research Associate at the Institute of Biological Sciences and as an Instructor at the Institute of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, both at UPLB.

Academic History

Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2024
M.Eng. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2021
B.S. in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, University of the Philippines Los Baños, 2016

Research Interest

Nature-based solutions
Environmental systems design
Erosion and sedimentation
Flood, sediment, and nutrient modeling in catchments
GIS and remote sensing applications in environmental science research


1. Galang, J.M.J., Gunay, C.J.Sakai, H., and Yokoyama, K. Parameter uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for nutrient modelling in a forested catchment using the Sequential Uncertainty Fitting (SUFI-2) algorithm in SWAT-CUP. Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 22 (1): 27–40. https://doi.org/10.2965/jwet.23-064
2. Gunay, C.J.C., Iwama, T., Yokoyama, K., Sakai, H., Kawaue, M., and Takahashi, H. (2024). Impacts of sustainable management on the spatial distributions of erosion susceptibility and probable sediment yield in a mixed-forested watershed. Journal of Environmental Management, 352: 119924. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119924

3. Iwama, T., Gunay, C.J.Koyama, Y., Yokoyama, K., Sakai, H., Koizumi, A., Kawaue, M., and Takahashi, H. (2023). Analysis of forest characteristics using GIS and refinement of the soil erosion susceptibility model in the Ogouchi Reservoir watershed (in Japanese with English abstract). Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (Global Environment), 79 (27): 23-27017. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejj.23-27017

4. Gunay, C.J.C.Iwama, T., Sakai, H., and Yokoyama, K. (2023). Influence of different management systems on surface protection and erodibility of a temperate mixed forest. Ecological Engineering, 193: 106993. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2023.106993

5. Gunay, C.J.C.Yokoyama, K., Sakai, H., Koizumi, A., and Sakai, K. (2023). Decadal changes in soil water storage characteristics linked to forest management in a steep watershed. Water, 15 (1): 54. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15010054

6Gunay, C.J., Duka, M., Yokoyama, K., Sakai, H., Koizumi, A., Sakai, K. and Kuroki, N. (2021). Half-century analysis of climate trends and soil water storage in a steep forested catchment in Kanto metropolitan area. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 77 (2): I_487–I_492. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.77.2_I_487

7. Gunay, C.J., Hashimoto, Y., Yokoyama, K., Sakai, H., Koizumi, A., Sakai, K. and Kuroki, N. (2021). Estimation of erodibility coefficients based on geophysical forest properties in Ogouchi Dam watershed. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Ser. G (Environmental Research), 77 (5): I_61–I_68. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejer.77.5_I_61

8. Gunay, C.J.C., Bragais, M.A. and Magcale-Macandog, D.B. (2019). Assessing soil erosion and flood risk areas in Santa Rosa-Silang Watershed using LiDAR data and SWAT modeling. Sylvatrop: The Technical Journal of Philippine Ecosystems and Natural Resources, 29 (2): 2338. https://www.ukdr.uplb.edu.ph/journal-articles/4844/

9. Duka, M.A., Gunay, C.J.C., De Los Reyes, R.B., Casila, J.C.C., Gonzales, J.A. and Escobar, E.C. (2016). Development and preliminary evaluation of an improvised tension disc permeameter for determining unsaturated soil hydraulic properties. Philippine e-Journal for Applied Research and Development, 6 (2016): 57–68. https://pejard2.slu.edu.ph/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2016.10.03.pdf


Danesto “Dane” B. Anacio’s research interests focus on socio-ecological systems and change, particularly production and consumption patterns, indigenous peoples’ adaptation processes, and environmental behaviors. Corollary to these specific human-environment interactions, Dane also looks at policy implications through futures-oriented perspectives and environmental histories.

Academic History

No result

Research Interest

No result


No result


Dr. Eslava is a geologist, a Professor, and a University Scientist at the University of the Philippines Los Banos - School of Environmental Science and Management (UPLB-SESAM). She obtained her BS and MS Geology degrees from UP Diliman, her MS in Earth Systems from Kumamoto University, Japan, and her PhD in Geology from The University of Hong Kong.

She served as UPLB's School of Environmental Science and Management Dean for two consecutive terms, from 2015 to 2021. She also served for two consecutive terms as president of the Geological Society of the Philippines, and is also the current president of the Philippine Environmental Science Association, Inc. She was the Division Chair for Earth and Space Sciences of the National Research Council of the Philippines for two terms  from 2013-2017 and led the work on the formulation of the National Basic Research Agenda for the Environmental Sciences.

She was conferred by the NRCP the Achievement Award for Earth and Space Sciences in 2019, and by the Philippine Federation of Professional Associations – Council for the Built and Natural Environments the Distinction Award for the Geologist Profession in 2020. She is a Curator for the Special Collections for Geology of the Museum of Natural History at UPLB.With her work on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, Dr. Eslava was recently recognized as one of six finalists, out of 425 nominations, for the 2023 Women's International Network for DRRM (WIN DRRM) Excellence Award. The WIN DRRM is the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction's flagship women's leadership initiative.

Email: [email protected]


Academic History

BSc in Geology, University of the Philippines Diliman, 1997
MSc in Geology, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2000
MSc in Earth Systems, Kumamoto University, Japan, 2003
PhD in Geology, The University of Hong Kong, 2009

Research Interest

  • environmental impact assessment
  • climate change impacts, adaptation and disaster risk reduction and management,
  • bio-geology, environmental geology, geologic hazards, geochemistry, paleomagnetism, and tectonics.


Salapare, R.C., Dimalanta, C.B., Ramos, N.T., Manalo, P.C., FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Queaño, K.L. and Yumul, G.P.Jr., 2015. Upper crustal structure beneath the Zambales Ophiolite Complex, Luzon, Philippines inferred from integrated gravity, magnetic and geologic data. Manuscript accepted for publication in the Geophysical Journal International 201 (3), 1522-1533. DOI:10.1093/gji/ggv094.

Manalo, P.C., Dimalanta, C.B., FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Ramos, N.T., Queaño, K.L. and Yumul, G.P.Jr., 2014. Crustal thickness variation from a continental to an island arc terrane: Clues from the gravity signatures of the Central Philippines. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.08.031 (Available online 04 September 2014).

FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Dimalanta, C.B., Yumul, G.P.Jr., Servando, N.T. and Cruz, N.A. 2013. Geohazards, tropical cyclones and disaster risk management in the Philippines: Adaptation in a changing climate regime.  Journal of Environmental Science and Management 16, 84-97.

Perez, A.d.C., FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Yumul, G.P.Jr., Dimalanta, C.B., Tamayo, R.A.Jr., Yang, T.F. and Zhou, M.F. 2013.  Enriched and depleted character of the Amnay Ophiolite upper crustal section and the regionally heterogeneous nature of the South China Sea mantle.  Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 65, 107-117. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.09.023.

FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Yumul, G.P.Jr., Servando, N.T. and Dimalanta, C.B., 2011. The January 2009 anomalous precipitation associated with the "Tail-end of the Cold Front" weather system in Northern Mindanao (Philippines): Natural hazards, impacts and risk reductions. Global and Planetary Change 76, 85-94. doi:10.1016/j.glopacha/2010.12.009.

Boongaling, CGK, FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., and Lansigan, FP. 2017. Modeling land use change impacts on hydrology and the use of landscape metrics as tools for watershed management: The case of an ungauged catchment in the Philippines. Land Use Policy Volume 72, 116-128

Dimalanta, C.B., FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Padrones, J.T., Queaño, K.L., Concepcion, R.A.B., Suzuki, S. and Yumul, G.P.Jr. 2017. Cathaysian slivers in the Philippine island arc: Geochronologic and geochemical evidence from sedimentary formations of the west Central Philippines. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. doi:10.1080/08120099.2018.1405846.

Guotana, J.M.R., Payot, B.D., Dimalanta, C.B., Ramos, N.T., FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Queaño, K.L. and Yumul, G.P.Jr. 2017. Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the Samar Ophiolite ultramafic section: implications on the origins of the ophiolites in Samar and Leyte islands, Philippines. International Geology Review. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2017.1336944.

Padrones, J.T., Ramos, N.T., Dimalanta, C.B., Queaño, K.L., FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Yumul, G.P.Jr. and Watanabe, K. 2017. Landslide susceptibility mapping in a geologically complex terrane: A case study From Northwest Mindoro, Philippines. Manila Journal of Science 10, 25-44.
Yumul, G.P.Jr., Brown, W.W., Dimalanta, C.B., Ausa, C.A., FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Payot, B.D., Ramos, N.T., Lizada, A.N.L., Buena, A.E., Villaplaza, B.R.B., Manalo, P.C., Queaño, K.L., Guotana, J.M.R. and Pacle, N.A.D. 2017.  Adakitic rocks in the Masara gold-silver mine, Compostela Valley, Mindanao, Philippines: Different places, varying mechanisms? Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 142, 45-55. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.06.005.
Manalo, P.C., Dimalanta, C.B., FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Ramos, N.T., Queaño, K.L. and Yumul, G.P.Jr. 2016. Magnetic signatures and Curie surface trend across an arc-continent collision zone: An example from Central Philippines. Surveys in Geophysics 37, 557-578. doi: 10.1007/s10712-016-9357-3.
Torres, A.M., Pulhin, F.B., Lasco, R.D., Tiburan, C.L.Jr. and ESLAVA D.F.  2016. Modeling future spatial distribution of Shorea palosapis (Blanco) Merr and Shorea polysperma (Blanco) Merr in Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park using Maxent. Journal of Environmental Science and Management Special Issue 1, 15-30.

FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Dimalanta, C.B., Yumul, G.P.Jr., Servando, N.T. and Cruz, N.A. 2013. Geohazards, tropical cyclones and disaster risk management in the Philippines: Adaptation in a changing climate regime.  Journal of Environmental Science and Management 16, 84-97.

FAUSTINO-ESLAVA, D.V., Yumul, G.P.Jr., Servando, N.T. and Dimalanta, C.B., 2011. The January 2009 anomalous precipitation associated with the "Tail-end of the Cold Front" weather system in Northern Mindanao (Philippines): Natural hazards, impacts and risk reductions. Global and Planetary Change 76, 85-94. doi:10.1016/j.glopacha/2010.12.009.


Dr. Eduardo Calzeta is a forester and an environmental scientist with research interests in watershed management, forestry, hydrology, environmental impact assessment, economic valuation, risk assessment, flood modeling, and early warning system. His former research involvements include clonal propagation, economic valuation, urban forestry, watershed profiling, and vulnerability assessment. 

Email: [email protected]

Academic History

Academic History

BSc in Forestry, University of the Philippines Los Baňos, 1997
Straight Ph.D. in Environmental Science, University of the Philippines Los Baňos, 2013

Research Interest

Research Interests

Watershed management; forestry; hydrology; environmental impact assessment; economic valuation; risk assessment; flood modeling, and early warning system




  • Calzeta, E.C., F.P.Lansigan, L.M.Florece, N.C.Bantayan, and R.L. Lapitan. 2014. Flood risk analysis for the Municipality of Bay, Laguna, Philippines. Asia Life Sciences Journal 23(2): pp. 609-624.
  • Andres, E.P., M.S. Sabater, R. Espada, C.Calzeta. and R.C.Arjona. 2015. Vulnerability assessment of the La Mesa Watershed Reservation, Quezon City, Philippines. Sylvatrop: The Technical Journal of Philippine Ecosystems and Natural Resources, Vol. 25, No. 1 & 2. ERDB-DENR, College, Laguna, Philippines. Jan – Dec 2015. pp. 1-26.
  • Perino, E.P., J.B. Ebora, F.E. Siapno, C.M.Mojica, and C.Calzeta. 2006. Economic valuation of grassland degradation under different pasture classifications. Sylvatrop: The Technical Journal of Philippine Ecosystems and Natural Resources, Vol. 16, No. 1 & 2. ERDB-DENR, College, Laguna, Philippines. Jan – Dec 2006.
  • Cadiz, R.T., C.Calzeta and H.V.Liwanag. 2001. Cloning dipterocarps through non-mist technique. Canopy International, Vol. 27, No. 1. ERDB-DENR, College, Laguna, Philippines. Jan - Feb 2001.


Ed's areas of interest are in resource economics and political ecology. Specifically, he investigates the intersectionality of economics, power, and culture in the context of socioecological issues.

Email: [email protected]

Academic History

No result

Research Interest

No result


No result


Dr. Enrique Pacardo has more than 40 years of research in environmental impact assessment, sustainable rural development, environmental management, natural resource management and environmental education.

Academic History

Ph.D. Environmental Plant Physiology (1971) University of Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain 

M.S. Agricultural Botany (Major in Plant Physiology; Minor/Cognate in Agronomy and Biochemistry). 1968. University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna 

B.S. Agriculture ( Major in Soil Science ).1964. University of the Philippines Los Baños 

Research Interest

No result


Pacardo, E.P. 1972. The effect of climatic factors on growth and yield of sugarcane. Paper presented at the 20th Convention of the Philippine Sugar Technologies, Manila 

Pacardo, E.P. 1973. Radiant Energy: Its Conversions by Green Plants. Philippine Biota, Vol. Vll:102. 

Pacardo, E.P., V.S. Nery and E.P. Baldia. 1976. Further studies on the root system of corn and sorghum. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Conference of the Crop Science Society of the Philippines. 

Pacardo, E.P. 1977a. Comparative response of rice varieties to controlled soil water stress at seedling stage. Paper presented in the seminar. The International Rice Research Institute. 

Pacardo, E.P. 1977b. A method of subjecting rice seedlings to constant soil moisture stress. Kalikasan, Philippines. J. Biol. 6:245-259. 

Pacardo, E.P. 1978a. Drought resistant crops for rainfed areas. Paper presented at the FAO/Philippine National Workshop on Development and Management on Rain-fed Crop production. PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna. 

Pacardo, E.P. 1978. Water Stress Physiology and Its Relation to Rainfed Farming. SEARCA Professorial Chair Inaugural Lecture. 

Pacardo, E.P. 1978. The Effect of Soil Water Stress on Selected Rice Varieties, Corn and Sorghum. Philippine Journal of Science, 107:33-40 

Pacardo, E.P. 1979. Some Hydrological Aspect of Land Uses at Mount Makiling Slopes. SEARCA Professorial Chair Lecture. 

Pacardo, E.P. and B.K. Samson. 1981. Eco-physiological Studies on Some Agroforestry Spp. with emphasis on Leucaena. Paper presented in a workshop on environmentally sustainable Agroforestry and Fuelwood Production with Fast-growing, Nitrogen-fixing, Multi-purpose Legumes, held at the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii on 12 to 20 November, 1981. 

Pacardo, E.P. 1982. Development of Environmental Curriculum at the Graduate Level: Experience at University of the Philippines at Los Baños. Paper presented at the ASAIHL Seminar on Human Ecology held in Jakarta, Indonesia on 6-9 November 1982. 

Pacardo, E.P. and P.E. Sajise 1983. Legume-based Cropping System for Some Upland Areas in the Philippines. A Paper Presented at the Third Symposium for Environmental Science in Developing Countries, Cairo, Egypt. 

Pacardo, E.P. 1983. Role of Temperature in water Uptake of Excised Leaf Tissue. Kalikasan, Philippines J. Biol. 12:366-374. 


Dr. Hildie Maria Nacorda teaches aquatic and marine science and currently pursues research on biodiversity of coastal zones and the deep sea, with focus on soft bottom (sediment) ecology, behavior of marine invertebrates, invertebrate-seagrass interactions, seagrass ecosystems, and aspects related to coastal resources management.

Email: [email protected][email protected]

Academic History

BS Fisheries (Inland Fisheries), University of the Philippines in the Visayas–College of Fisheries, 1983
MS Marine Science, University of the Philippines Diliman–Marine Science Institute, 1997
PhD, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands, 2008

Research Interest

Biodiversity of coastal zones and the deep sea, with focus on soft bottom (sediment) ecology, behavior of marine invertebrates, invertebrate-seagrass interactions, seagrass ecosystems, and aspects related to coastal resources management.


Nacorda HME, Obliosca J, Tentia M, Jacinto GS, San Diego-McGlone ML (2012) Deterioration of soft bottom macroinfaunal communities in a mariculture zone off Bolinao-Anda (NW Philippines). In M Kawaguchi, K Misaki, H Sato, T Yokokawa, T Itai, T M. Nguyen, J Ono, and S Tanabe (eds), Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry—Environmental Pollution and Ecotoxicology, pp 387–395, TerraPub, Japan

Nacorda HME (2008) Burrowing shrimps and seagrass dynamics in shallow-water meadows off Bolinao (NW Philippines), CRC Press/ Balkema, Leiden, The Netherlands, 100 p

Vermaat JE, Rollon RN, Lacap CD, Billot C, Alberto F, Nacorda HME, Wiegman F, Terrados J (2004) Meadow fragmentation and reproductive output of the SE Asian seagrass Enhalus acoroides. J Sea Res 52(4): 321-328

Rollon RN, Vermaat JE, Nacorda HME (2003) Sexual reproduction in SE Asian seagrasses: the absence of a seedbank in Thalassia hemprichii. Aquat Bot 75(2): 181-185

Lacap CDA, Vermaat JE, Rollon RN, Nacorda HM (2002) Propagule dispersal of the SE Asian seagrasses Enhalus acoroides and Thalassia hemprichii. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 235: 75-80

Yap HT, Nacorda HME, Jacinto GS (1998) Community structure and distribution of soft bottom fauna at various distances from the geothermal discharge sites in the eastern Philippines. Asian J Trop Biol 2(2): 9-21

Nacorda HME, Yap HT (1997) Structure and temporal dynamics of macroinfaunal communities of a sandy reef flat in the NW Philippines. Hydrobiol 353(1/3): 91-106

Nacorda HME, Yap HT (1996) Macroinfaunal biomass and energy flow in a shallow reef flat of the NW Philippines. Hydrobiol 341: 37-49


Janice Bugen Sevilla-Nastor is an environmental engineer with research interests in ecotoxicology, aquatic toxicology and sediment toxicity evaluation in the urban environment. She also works on bioaccumulation and transfer kinetics of heavy metals and organic pollutants in the aquatic environment. She co-teaches Advanced Aquatic Ecology, Systems Analysis and Quantitative Methods in Natural Resources Management, Dynamics of Population, Resources and Environment, and Contemporary Issues in Environment and Development.

Email: [email protected]

Academic History

BSc in Agricultural Engineering, University of the Philippines Los Baños, 2004
MSc in Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology, Myongji University, South Korea, 2009
PhD in Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2012

Research Interest


Aquatic Toxicology

Sediment toxicity evaluation

Urban Environmental Management and Technologies


Sevilla-Nastor, JB, Sakurai T. Determination of perfluoroalkyl substances in marine water and seawater sandworm Perinereis wilsoni by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (in preparation).

Sakurai T., Serizawa S., Kobayashi J., Kodama K., Lee J.H., Maki H., Zushi Y., Sevilla-Nastor J., Imaizumi Y., Suzuki N., Horiguchi T., Shiraishi H. 2016. Temporal trends for inflow of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) to Tokyo Bay, Japan, estimated by a receptor-oriented approach. Science of the Total Environment, 539, 277-285.

Sevilla, Janice B., Nakajima Fumiyuki, Kasuga Ikuro. 2014. Comparison of aquatic and dietary exposure of heavy metals Cd, Cu and Zn to benthic ostracod Heterocypris incongruens. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 33(7), 1624-1630.

Sevilla, Janice B., Nakajima Fumiyuki, Yamamoto Kazuo. 2013. Effect of Food and Light on the Sensitivity of Copper and Zinc to Freshwater Benthic Ostracod Heterocypris incongruens. J. Water Environ. Tech. 11(3), 249-261.


Current work: water resource management, surface and groundwater protection, emerging contaminants and particle characterization, and tool development for environmental surveillance and assessments.

Have a collaborative work on Cave and groundwater management and protection.

Former research involvements: GeoHazards, Changing climate and variation adaptations and resilience, sustainable agriculture and natural resource management (SANREM), Landcare and Agroforestry technologies, small scale aquaculture: developing a tool on assessing its contribution to sustainable rural development

[email protected]

Academic History

PhD in GeoResources, Environment, and Heritage, Major in HydroGeoChemistry, Université de Bordeaux, France, 2009-2013

MS in Geography, University of the Philippines in Diliman (UPD), 2004-2006

BS in Economics, Major in Natural Resource Economics, University of the Philippines in Los Baños (UPLB), 1999-2003

Research Interest

Hydrogeology and Emerging contaminants

Cave ventilation

Environment and Systems Analysis

Resource Economic Valuation

Institutions and Environmental Policies

Geo Hazards, Climate change and adaptation

Aquatic resource management


No result


JM is a geologist with research interests in igneous and metamorphic petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry, tectonics, microanalysis applications in geoscience, and carbonation of ultramafic rocks for CO2 storage. His former research involvements include mantle petrological works, multi-stage metasomatism and metamorphism of ultramafic rocks, high-pressure metamorphism, mineral-water interaction, deep-ocean drilling, drilling the crust-mantle transition (Oman Drilling Project), and geochemistry of volcanic rocks.

Academic History

BSc in Geology, Adamson University2012

MSc in Geology, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2017

PhD in Geology, Kanazawa University, Japan, 2020

Research Interest

  • Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
  • Geochemistry
  • Mineralogy


Tilhac, R., Morishita, T., Hanaue, N., Tamura, A., Guotana, J.M., 2021. Systematic LREE enrichment of mantle harzburgites: The petrogenesis of San Carlos xenoliths revisited. Lithos 396–397, 106195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106195


Liu, H.Q., Yumul, G.P., Dimalanta, C.B., Queaño, K., Xia, X.P., Peng, T.P., Lan, J.B., Xu, Y.G., Yan, Y., Guotana, J.M.R., Olfindo, V.S., 2020. Western Northern Luzon Isotopic Evidence of Transition From Proto-South China Sea to South China Sea Fossil Ridge Subduction. Tectonics 39. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019TC005639

Yumul, G.P., Dimalanta, C.B., Salapare, R.C., Queaño, K.L., Faustino-Eslava, D. V., Marquez, E.J., Ramos, N.T., Payot, B.D., Guotana, J.M.R., Gabo-Ratio, J.A.S., Armada, L.T., Padrones, J.T., Ishida, K., Suzuki, S., 2020. Slab rollback and microcontinent subduction in the evolution of the Zambales Ophiolite Complex (Philippines): A review. Geosci. Front. 11, 23–36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2018.12.008

Nishio, I., Morishita, T., Szilas, K., Pearson, G., Tani, K.-I., Tamura, A., Harigane, Y., Guotana, J. M. (2019). Titanian Clinohumite-Bearing Peridotite from the Ulamertoq Ultramafic Body in the 3.0 Ga Akia Terrane of Southern West Greenland. Geosciences 2019, Vol. 9, Page 153, 9(4), 153. https://doi.org/10.3390/GEOSCIENCES9040153


Morishita, T., Machi, S., Guotana, J. M., & Tamura, A. (2019). Biotite phenocryst-rich high-K basaltic boulder from upper stream of the Kuzuryu River in Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture福井県勝山市九頭竜川上流地域の黒雲母斑晶に富む高カリウム玄武岩質転石. The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 124(11), 941–946. https://doi.org/10.5575/geosoc.2018.0031


Guotana, J. M., Morishita, T., Yamaguchi, R., Nishio, I., Tamura, A., Tani, K., … Pearson, D. (2018). Contrasting Textural and Chemical Signatures of Chromitites in the Mesoarchaean Ulamertoq Peridotite Body, Southern West Greenland. Geosciences, 8(9), 328. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8090328


Guotana, J. M. R., Payot, B. D., Dimalanta, C. B., Ramos, N. T., Faustino-Eslava, D. V., Queaño, K. L., & Yumul, G. P. (2018). Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the Samar Ophiolite ultramafic section: implications on the origins of the ophiolites in Samar and Leyte islands, Philippines. International Geology Review, 60(4), 401–417. https://doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2017.1336944


Morishita, T., Yoshikawa, M., Tamura, A., Guotana, J., & Ghosh, B. (2018). Petrology of Peridotites and Nd-Sr Isotopic Composition of Their Clinopyroxenes from the Middle Andaman Ophiolite, India. Minerals, 8(9), 410. https://doi.org/10.3390/min8090410


Yumul, G.P.Jr., Brown, W.W., Dimalanta, C.B., Ausa, C.A., Faustino-Eslava, D.V., Payot, B.D., Ramos, N.T., Lizada, A.N.L., Buena, A.E., Villaplaza, B.R.B., Manalo, P.C., Queaño, K.L.,

Guotana, J.M.R. and Pacle, N.A.D. 2016.  Adakitic rocks in the Masara gold-silver mine, Compostela Valley, Mindanao, Philippines: Different places, varying mechanisms? Journal of Asian Earth Sciences Special Issue. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.06.005.


Guotana, J. M. R., Yumul, G. P., Dimalanta, C. B., Queaño, K. L., Payot, B. D., Ramos, N. T., & Faustino-Eslava, D. V. (2016). Arc and backarc geochemical signatures of the proto-Philippine Sea Plate: Insights from the petrography and geochemistry of the Samar Ophiolite volcanic section. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 142, 77–92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.07.031


Balmater, H.B., Manalo, P.C., Faustino-Eslava, D.V., Queaño, K.L., Dimalanta, C.B., Guotana, J.M.R., Ramos, N.T., Payot, B.D. and Yumul, G.P.Jr. 2015.  Paleomagnetism of Samar Ophiolite: Implications for the Cretaceous sub-equatorial position of the Philippine island arc.  Tectonophysics 664, 214-224. Doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2015.09.024.


Yumul, G.P. Jr,, Dimalanta, C.B., Queaño, K.L., Faustino-Eslava, D.V., Marquez, E.J., Ramos, N.T., Ishida, K., Suzuki, S., Salapare, R.C., Sanchez, M.P., Guotana, J.M., Concepcion, R.A. 2012. A tale of two blocks: New insights on the evolution of the Zambales Ophiolite Complex, Luzon Island, Philippines. Interidge News, 27-30.


Loucel is an environmental scientist with research interests in diminutive freshwater fish biodiversity and conservation; water quality change in relation to land use/land cover dynamics; Climate change and climate impact and adaptation in agriculture; Climate education and capacity building.

Contact Details
Office Telefax No. +63 (049) 536-2251
Office Room: SESAM Environmental Lab
Email: [email protected]

Academic History

BS Environmental Studies, University of Eastern Philippines, 2004
MS Environmental Science, University of Eastern Philippines, 2009
Ph.D. Environmental Science, University of the Philippines Los Baños, 2016

Research Interest

Diminutive freshwater fish biodiversity and conservation; water quality change in relation to land use/land cover dynamics; Climate change and climate impact and adaptation in agriculture; Climate education and capacity building


Macuroy, J., Siababa, AC., Eslava, DF., Bantayan, N.C., Avellano, J., Cui, L.E., and Espaldon, MVO., 2017. “Spatio-temporal water quality changes as reflection of land cover change in Laguna de Bay, Philippines”. NRCP Research Journal. 14:3, pp31-40.


Dr. Vicky Espaldon is a human geographer and Professor at the School of Environmental Science and Management or SESAM, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). She serves as the Chair of the UPLB Climate Risks Study Center. She is former Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension from 2011to 2014 and former Dean of SESAM from 2006 to 2011. Her major research works are in the area of climate change adaptation, human dimensions of environmental changes; environmental and social impact assessment, program monitoring and evaluation; and ecosystem assessment.

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Academic History

BS Biology (Program in Ecology), University of the Philippines Los Banos, 1984
MS Forestry (Major in Social Forestry), University of the Philippines Los Banos, 1992
PhD in Geography ( Rural Resource Assessment and Environmental Analysis), University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 1995

Research Interest

Climate change adaptation, Human dimensions of environmental changes; Environmental and social impact assessment, Program monitoring and evaluation; and Ecosystem assessment


Comiso, J., C. Blanche, T. Sarigumba, M.V.O. Espaldon, and F.P. Lansigan (Editors). 2014. Changing Philippine Climate : Impacts on Agriculture and Natural Resources. University of the Philippines Press. 378 p. Quezon City, Philippines.

Villanueva, J.D., P. Le Coustumer, A. Denis, R. Abuyan, F. Huneau, M. Motelica-Heino, H. Celle-Jeanton, T.R. Perez, M.V.O. Espaldon. 2013. The response of the trace metals to highly contrasted weather conditions in an urban estuary. Water Resources Journal.

UNEP-WCMC 2011. Developing ecosystem service indicators: Experiences and lessons learned from sub-global assessments and other initiatives. 2011. M.V.O. Espaldon, UPLB- Contributing Author. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montréal, Canada. Technical Series No. 58, 118 pages.

Phoumphon, K., M.V.O. Espaldon, C. M. Rebancos and M. A. Dorado. 2011. Dynamics of Land Use in Namhoum Watershed, Nasaythong District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR. Journal of Environmental Science and Management 14(1): 40-51. Los Banos, Philippines.

Mischlik, E. and M.V. O. Espaldon. 2011. Vulnerability and Resilience in the Philippines: Science and Policy Linkages. Earthscan Publishing. U.K.

V.B. Molina, M.V.O. Espaldon, M.E. Flavier, E. P. Pacardo and C. M. Rebancos5. 2011. Bioaccumulation in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from Laguna de Bay, Philippines. Journal of Environmental Science and Management 14(2): 28-35.

Espaldon, M.V.O. 2010. "Laguna de Bay: A Tropical Lake Under Pressure". In: Handbook on Catchment Management. Wiley-Blackwell, A John &Sons Publishing Ltd, UK. Pp. 388-404.

C. T. Pailagao, M. V. O. Espaldon, M. A. Dorado, D. C. Catacutan, and C. M. Rebancos. 2010. Drivers of Land Use Change in Lantapan, Bukidnon, Philippines Journal of Environmental Science and Management 13(1): 1-11.

Gaillard, JC, E. Maceda and M.V.O. Espaldon. 2009. Sustainable Livelihoods and the Coastal Communities of Samar island, Philippines. Journal of Coastal Conservation. Springer.

Michlik-Acosta, L. and M.V.O. Espaldon. 2008. Vulnerability of Farming Communities to Climate Change and Globalization: A case study in Tanauan City, Batangas, Philippines. Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimension. Springer Publishing.

Espaldon, M.V.O., J. P. Pulhin and R.V. Cruz. 2008. Vulnerability to Climate variability and change in the uplands. Criticial States : Environmental Challenges to Development in Monsoon Southeast Asia (l. Lebel, A. Snidvongs, C.A Arthur Chen, and R. Daniel-Eds). Malaysia. pp. 400-411.

Lasco, R.D. , M.V.O.Espaldon, and M.T. Tapia. 2005. Ecosystem and People : A Millennium Ecosystem Assessment of the Laguna Lake. UPLB.


Dr. Mark Arboleda is a biologist with interests in aquatic ecology, microbiology, molecular biology and biotechnology, marine protected areas and sustainable community development. He coordinates and teaches Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics, Contemporary Issues in Environment and Development, Issues in Aquatic Ecology, Advanced Aquatic Ecology, Industrial Ecology, Special Topics in Environmental Science (Water Quality Assessment), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Perspectives from the Natural and Social Sciences and Graduate Seminar.

Email: [email protected]

Academic History

BSc in Biology, major in Microbiology, University of the Philippines Los Banos, 1988
MS in Microbiology, University of the Philippines Diliman, 1996
PhD Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman, 2009

Research Interest

Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Environmental Microbiology Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Aquatic Ecology,

Life Cycle Assessment, EIA, Industrial Ecology, Landscape ecology,


Arboleda, MDM and WT. Reichardt (2010) Vibrio sp.causing Porites ulcerative white spot disease. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 90: 93-104.

Arboleda, MDM and WT Reichardt (2009). Epizoic Communities of Prokaryotes on Healthy and Diseased Scleractinian Corals in Lingayen Gulf, Philippines. Microbial Ecology DOI 10.1007/s00248-008-9400-0

Arboleda, M., and O. Azzam. (2000). Inter- and intra-site genetic diversity of natural field populations of rice tungro bacilliform virus in the Philippines. Archives of Virology 145: 275-289.

Arboleda, M., Sta Cruz, F. and O. Azzam (1999). Preliminary analysis of genetic variation of rice tungro bacilliform virus in two provinces of the Philippines. In: (T.C.B. Chancellor, O. Azzam and K.L. Heong, eds) Proceedings of the Workshop on Rice Tungro Disease Management, 9-11 November, 1998, Los Banos, Philippines.

Azzam.O.,Arboleda, M., Umadhay, K., de los Reyes, J., Sta Cruz, F., MacKenzie, A., and McNally, K. (2000). Genetic composition and complexity of virus populations at tungro-endemic and outbreak rice sites. Archives of Virology 145: 2642-2657.

Cabauatan, P., Arboleda, M., and Azzam, O. 1998. Differentiation of rice tungro bacilliform virus strains by restriction analysis and DNA hybridization. Journal of Virological Methods 76: 121-126.


Pat Sanchez is an agricultural engineer with research interests in environmental hydrology, climate change impacts, adaptation, mitigation, disaster risk reduction and management, water resources management, extreme events hydrological modelling and crop modelling. She coordinates and co-teaches Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics, Contemporary Issues in Environment and Development, Environmental Hydrology (special topics) and Graduate Seminar classes. She is the chair of the UPLB Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Water and serves as a National Panel of Technical Experts of the Climate Change Commission (CCC).

Email: [email protected]

Academic History

BSc in Agricultural Engineering, University of the Philippines Los Baños, 2000
MSc in Agricultural Engineering, Iowa State University, 2004
PhD in Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, 2011

Research Interest

Environmental Hydrology
Hydrological Modelling
Carrying Capacity
Life Cycle Assessment
Water Technologies



Ishiwata,H., Yokomatsu, M., Elagaty,M., Koike, T., Sawada, Y., Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A., and Y. Suzuki.(2017) Two-Country Computable Equilibrium Model of International Drought Risk Sharing:The Case of Pakistan and the Philippines, IEEE.

Shrestha, M., Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A., and L. Wang (2015) Investigating the hydrologic response of current dam operation system to future climate in a snowy river basin (Yattajima) of Japan, Ann.Jour. Hydraul. Eng.-JSCE, Vol 59.

Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A., Koike, T., Shibuo, Y., Matsumura, A., Ogawada, D., Saavedra, O. and Y.Tanaka. Climate Change Impact Assessment for Metro Manila and its Adjoining Areas, International Journal of Water Resources Development, CIJW-2014-0291. (Submitted)

Toshio Koike, Petra Koudelova, Patricia Ann Jaranilla-Sanchez, Asif Mumtaz Bhatti, Cho Thanda Nyunt, Katsunori Tamagawa. (2014) River management system development in Asia based on data integration and analysis system (DIAS) under GEOSS. Science China Earth Sciences. Online publication date: 15-Nov-2014.

Sawada, Y., T. Koike, and P. A., Jaranilla-Sanchez, (2014) Modeling hydrologic and ecologic responses using a new eco-hydrological model for identification of droughts, Water Resour. Res.,50, 6214–6235, doi:10.1002/2013WR014847.

Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A., Shibuo, Y. and T. Koike. 2013. Optimization of Dam Operation for maximizing water use and flood prevention: A case of Angat Dam, Philippines. Society for Social Management Systems, SMS13-3910.http://management.kochi-tech.ac.jp/ssms_papers/sms13-3910_79d28450462af2b7225dc909b4ee78f9.pdf

Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A., T. Koike, L. Wang, T. Ohta, Y. Yamada, M. Kimoto, (2014) Extreme events prediction from Seasonal Climate Forecasting and Crop Production Simulations in Pampanga River Basin, Philippines. Ann.Jour. Hydraul. Eng.-JSCE, Vol 58.

Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A., T. Koike, C.T. Nyunt, M. Rasmy, I. Hasegawa, A. Matsumura, D. Ogawada (2013), Hydrological Impacts of a Changing Climate on Floods and Droughts in Philippine River Basins, JSCE, Ann.Jour. Hydraul. Eng.-JSCE, Vol.57.

Nyunt, C.T., P.A.J. Sanchez, A. Yamamoto, T. Nemoto, M., Kitsuregawa and T. Koike (2013), Bias correction method for climate change impact assessments in the Philippines, Ann.Jour. Hydraul. Eng.-JSCE, Vol.57.

Rasmy, M., T, Koike, P.A.Jaranilla-Sanchez, C.T.Nyunt, M. Hara, M. Fujita and H. Kawase (2013), Identifying Gaps and Opportunities Between Statistical and Dynamical Downscaling Approaches Over Shikoku Island, Japan, Ann.Jour. Hydraul. Eng.-JSCE, Vol.57.

Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A., L. Wang and T. Koike (2012), Integrated Modelling of Climate Change Impacts in the Yoshino River Basin, Japan for Basin Management Planning, Ann.Jour. Hydraul. Eng.-JSCE, 56, No. 4, I_133-I_138, 2012.

Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A., L. Wang and T. Koike (2011), Modeling the Hydrologic responses of the Pampanga River Basin, Philippines: A quantitative approach for identifying droughts, Water Resour. Res. DOI: 10.1029/2010WR00972.

Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A., L. Wang, and T. Koike (2009), ENSO influence on the 1982-2000 Hydrological Properties of the Pantabangan-Carranglan Watershed, Ann.Jour. Hydraul. Eng.-JSCE, 54, 19-24.

Lasco, R.D., F.B.Pulhin, P.A.J. Sanchez, G.B. Villamor and K.A.L.Villegas (2008). Climate Change and Forest Ecosystems in the Philippines: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Mitigation. World Agroforestry Centre (Working Paper).

Lasco, R.D., K.L.Villegas, P.A. Jaranilla-Sanchez and G.B. Villamor (2008). Climate Change R& D at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)-Philippines. World Agroforestry Centre.

Lasco, R.D., F.B.Pulhin, P.A.J. Sanchez, G.B. Villamor and K.A.L.Villegas (2008). Climate Change and Forest Ecosystems in the Philippines: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Mitigation. Journal of Environmental Science and Management.11(1):1-14.

Lasco, R.D., F.B.Pulhin, P.A.Jaranilla-Sanchez, R. Gerpacio and R.J.P. Delfino (2009). Mainstreaming adaptation in developing countries: The case of the Philippines. Climate and Development: 131-146.

Lasco, R.D., Pulhin, F.P., Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A., Delfino, R.J., Gerpacio, R. and K. Garcia. 2009. Mainstreaming adaptation in developing countries: The case of the Philippines. CLIMATE AND DEVELOPMENT 1(2009) 130-146 doi:10.3763/cdev.2009.0009 $2009 Earthscan ISSN: 1756-5529 (print), 1756-5537 (online) www.earthscanjournals.com



Espaldon, MVOE, Villanueva, JDV, P.Jaranilla-Sanchez. 2005. Philippine Landcare after Nine Years: Its impacts on communities, farming households and the local environment in Mindanao, Philippines. ICRAF (Occasional Paper #4)



Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A., Lasco, R.D., Villamor, G.B., Gerpacio, R., Nilo, G.P. and K.L.Villegas. 2007. A Primer on Climate Change Adaptation in the Philippines. World Agroforestry Centre Philippines.

The Philippine Recommends for Agroforestry Technical Committee. The Philippine Recommends for Agroforestry. 2006. Los Baños Laguna. PCARDS DOST/ICRAF-Philippines. 90p. (Philippine Recommends Series No. 59-A).



Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A. 2011. Quantitative Analysis of Droughts in Southeast Asian Watersheds. PhD Dissertation, University of Tokyo. Japan.

Jaranilla-Sanchez, P.A. 2004. Impacts of Outdoor Poultry Stockpiles on the Quality of Surface Run-off and Subsurface Water. Masters Thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA.

Jaranilla, P.A. 2000. Determination of the Crop Coefficients of the Leaf Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.var. crispa L.) at its various Phenological Stages. B.S. Ag. Engineering Thesis, U.P. Los Baños, College Laguna. Philippines

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