
SESAM offers the foundation and core courses for the MS and PhD programs in Environmental Science.
Other major courses prescribed by the Advisory Committee to the program to strengthen the conduct of graduate research can be drawn from the offerings of the various units of UPLB and other UP units. The modality allows each unit to contribute the basic disciplines to enhance the understanding of environmental processes and problems studied at SESAM. At the same time, SESAM will continue to provide graduate students of other units the necessary core and foundation courses to understand environmental dimension of their fields. SESAM will also participate actively in the development of Revitalized General Education Program aimed at conscienticizing UPLB students about environmental issues; instill among them the value of an environment that is reflective of a dynamic and synergistic relationship between people, culture and environment.
The Graduate School supervises the implementation of the two programs (M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Environmental Science) through a Management Committee composed of: a) Chairs of each of the MS EnvSci and the Ph.D. Area of Specialization Committees (AOSCOMs); b) two elected members at large; and c) the SESAM Dean as ex-officio member.