SESAM pays tribute to the class of 2024


The School of Environmental Science and Management-University of the Philippines Los Baños (SESAM-UPLB) paid tribute to its graduates last August 2, 2024 at the New College of Arts and Science Auditorium, UPLB. With this year’s theme “Values, leadership and sustainability”, the school has a total of 21 graduates– 15 Master of Science in Environmental science, four Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science, one Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science by Research and one Professional Masters in Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management.

Dr. Rico C. Ancog, Dean of SESAM, was very delighted to see SESAM’s graduating class in this very momentous event. “This is indeed a celebration of accomplishment as an individual and a professional, but more importantly, we hope that this particular celebration also a good appreciation of the importance of our collective understanding of what we can do together,” Dr. Ancog added.

Dr. Jose V. Camacho, Jr., Chancellor, UPLB for his part mentioned that SESAM students should be proud of this school. “It is the School of Environmental Science and Management– we cannot find any other school such as what we have here in UPLB, the practice of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary– it’s only this school I will say, where the very core balance of honor and excellence, and service is truly practiced,” Chancellor Camacho stressed.

Chancellor Camacho reminded the graduating class of their commitment after finishing their respective degrees. “We came today not just to celebrate your academic achievements, but also your commitment to a cause much greater than yourselves– the stewardship of the planet’s resources and the pursuit of sustainability,” Chancellor Camacho said. 

The guest speaker this year, Mr. Bienvenido V. Tantoco, III, President of Rustan’s Commercial Corporation and current chairman of the Ten Young Outstanding Men (TOYM) Foundation, said that the country needs our graduates because there are so many battles around the world, where humanity is losing and what we lack are the green berets or the delta force, which he refers as the scientists, managers and specialists from different fields working as a team. “This is a time of celebration and reflection of our postgraduate life, the values, leadership and sustainability in the environmental science and management journey,” he added.

“I have a new inspiration that I learned… the quest for excellence and how to rise above mediocrity and how to push against, sometimes our culture in the Philippines to break through the inertia of the status quo and inertial mediocrity. My answer to that is distinctiveness is important,” Mr. Tantoco stressed.

During the awarding, the Academic Excellence and Research Productivity Awards were given to Mr. Lance Irvin Elleva, with a GWA of 1.1452. This is in recognition of his outstanding academic performance as well as his research achievement and contribution to the scientific field in the Master of Science in Environmental Science Program.

Meanwhile, for the PhD Environmental Science, Dr. Marion John Michael M. Achondo was given the Academic Excellence Award with a GWA 1.2806 in recognition of his outstanding academic performance in the Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science Program.

On the other hand, Dr.  Akmad Zamroni was given the Research Productivity Award, in recognition of his research achievement and contribution to the scientific field in the Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Program

Finally, Mr. John Vincent Colili, MS Environmental Science, was given the Outstanding Leadership Award, in recognition of his leadership, excellence and contribution to the national environmental science community in the Master of Science in Environmental Science Program.

More than 150 graduating students and their family members, SESAM faculty and staff, as well as university officials attended the hybrid testimonial event.

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