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Course Code
ENS 201
Ecosystems Structure and Dynamics 
Ecosystems structure, function, energetics, nutrient cycles, population dynamics, ecosystem models. 3hrs class
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ENS 201 Ecosystems Structure and Dynamics (3). PR. BOT 150, BIO 150 or COI. Ecosystems structure, function, energetics, nutrient cycles, population dynamics, ecosystem models. 3hrs class

ENS 202 Landscape Ecology (3) PR ENS 201, Bio 150 or COI. Principles, theories, research methods and application of landscape ecology in environmental and natural resource management. 3 hrs (class)

ENS 203 Advanced Aquatic Ecology (3) PR ENS 201, Bio 150 or COI. Research studies in the aquatic environments – organism interaction, adaptive mechanisms, species displacement and extinction, modern approaches in the evaluation of production rates. 3 hrs (class)

ENS 204 Issues in Aquatic Resources Management (3) PR COI Problems and issues in the use of aquatic resources with emphasis on the Philippine situation. 3 hrs (class)

ENS 211 Systems Analysis and Quantitative Methods in Natural Resource Management (3) PR. Mgt. 211 or COI. Statistical concepts and data analysis, optimization techniques, stochastic modeling, application of systems approach to resource-based problems. 3 hrs (class)

ENS 220 Institution and the Environment (3). PR. COI. (2). Social science approaches to the study of man-environment interactions; analysis of the interrelationships between culture, population, and the natural environment, and human responses to changing habitats. 3 hrs (class)

ENS 221 (or SFFG 221) Environmental and Natural Resource Policy Formulation (3). PR. COI. (1,2). Theories, concepts, and issues in environmental and natural resource policy formulation, case studies with special reference to developing countries. 3 hrs (class).

ENS 230 Industrial Ecology (3). PR. ENS 201 or COI. (1). Ecological principles and their applications in the organization and management of industrial systems. 3 hrs (class).

ENS 242 (or ECO 275) Economic Valuation of Environmental and Natural Resource System (3). PR. COI. (1,2). Approaches and techniques for economic measurements and valuation of natural resources and environmental impacts of development. 3 hrs (class).

ENS 255 (or PSY 255) Environmental Psychology (3). PR. COI. (2). Analysis of the confluence of psychological processes and environmental context from a transactional perspective. 3 hrs (class).

ENS 265 (or SOC 265) Gender and Environment (3). PR. COI. (1). Theories, research, and issues relevant to the analysis of gender relations in the home and work environments. 3 hrs (class).

ENS 270 Dynamics of Population, Resources, and Environment (3). PR. HUME 2 or COI. (1). Interactions of human populations with resources and environment in different ecosystems; local, national, and global in scope. 3 hrs (class).

ENS 275 Contemporary Issues in Environment and Development (3). PR. COI. Environmental issues, concerns and opportunities; environment-economy interactions; environmental administration; sustainable development policies and issues; resource-use conflict and resolution. 3 hrs (class).

ENS 290 Special Problems (1-3). PR. COI. May be taken twice provided that the total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 4 units.

ENS 291 Special Topics (1-3). PR. COI. May be taken twice provided that the total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 4 units.


  1.  Environmental Research Methods
  2. Life Cycle Analysis
  3. Environmental Diplomacy
  4. Environmental Geology
  5. Environment, Human Health, and the Industries
  6. Environmental Hydrology

ENS 296 Environmental Impact Assessment: Perspectives from the Natural and Social Sciences (4). PR. COI. Framework and methodology for environmental impact assessment of the biophysical and socioeconomic systems; ecological, social and ethical bases of EIA; risk assessment and management; mitigation of negative impacts and enhancement of positive impacts; case studies. 6 hrs (3 class, 3 lab).

ENS 299 Graduate Seminar (1). May be taken twice.

ENS 300 Master’s Thesis (6).

ENS 400 Doctoral Dissertation (12).